Up to Three Trustees, including a Treasurer Designate

Home-Start UK
London & Leicester
Voluntary basis with expenses reimbursed

47 years ago, Margaret Harrison, had the idea for a new charity; one which helped families with young children during their most challenging times through volunteer-led parent to-parent support. That charity was Home-Start. Since then, Home-Start has grown from a ground-breaking, small local charity into a successful UK-wide network working at the heart of communities and supporting thousands of families in villages, towns and cities right across the country. Families and volunteers were the motivation and inspiration for Home-Start’s work then, and they remain central to our work today.

The Role

The Board of Trustees holds ultimate accountability for the affairs of Home-Start UK, ensuring that Home-Start UK and the Home-Start network maximises its impact for families. Its job is to ensure that it is solvent, well-run, and delivers the charitable outcomes for the benefit of those for which it has been set up.

We are looking for Trustees whose experience further reinforces the Board’s role in creating strategy, anticipating risk, introducing new ideas, overseeing change and growth, and providing critical support and stretch to the CEO and his team.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.