The Health Foundation is an independent charitable foundation committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. Through giving grants to those working at the front line, to carrying out research and policy analysis, the Foundation shines a light on how to make successful change happen that is improving health and health care for the UK population. The Health Foundation believes that every person in the UK should have the opportunity for a healthy life and access to the same standard of health care, irrespective of their background. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our national health and care services. It has also further highlighted the impact health inequalities in the UK – as the pandemic has affected some groups of people much more than others.
To provide leadership, vision and strategic direction to support the Chief Executive and Leadership Team in the achievement of the Foundations priorities, driving organisational culture change, leadership development and employee engagement. Lead relevant HR and OD programmes ensuring that they are business orientated, fit-for-purpose, and focused on performance improvement for the Foundation. Make a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the strategic agenda and aims of the Foundation.
Supported by a wider HR and OD team, and underpinned by internal engagement, you will develop insight led People and Workforce strategies ensuring that the Foundation has the tools in place to deliver and embed culture and change programmes that modernise and transform the way we work and build our leadership capability.