The recruitment of interim managers has evolved enormously over the last decade. No longer are these individuals ‘holding the fort’ but are offering exceptional leadership at times of change and transition. Interims bring well-honed skills and expertise to your organisation at short notice without the overheads associated with employment. Interims are agile and flexible and are used to working to changing briefs and uncertainty. In a world which is changing radically, increasing need and shifting expectations are adding to the burden of those organisations serving it. Interims can bring skills that you may not require full time or for longer than for a few months. They bring pace, innovation, fresh ideas and are highly motivated to deliver results. Here at Starfish, we ensure that we work with the strongest talent in the market.
We believe at Starfish that it’s the power of our relationships and understanding of our clients’ needs that give us the edge. When we talk about hiring interim’s, we stress that it’s the context for the hiring which is often the most important factor. We don’t just match CVs; we are providing high quality individuals that will make a significant difference to your business. We meet our interim candidates to understand their skills and experiences but also to gain insight into their personalities and styles. We support new and established interim’s and can offer advice around CV development market intelligence and current trends. We offer a partnership approach with candidates and clients, the better our understanding of you, the higher our success rate with the interim hire.
We work across different sectors and cover all disciplines. Whether you need an Interim Chief Executive, Interim Chief Operating Officer, Interim Director, Organisational Development Consultant or Project Manager we can assist with these searches.
Principal Consultant
Assistant Consultant
Assistant Consultant
Principal Consultant
Principal Consultant
Principal Consultant