Non-Executive Chair

Board meetings take place in London and Harrogate.
Remuneration of £35,000 per annum.

Gamstop Group is an independent not-for-profit company with the objective to provide consumer-centric services which enable the gambling industry to protect its customers from gambling-related harm.

Gamstop Group is the parent company for The National Online Self Exclusion Scheme Limited (GAMSTOP), The Multi Operator Self Exclusion Scheme Limited (MOSES) and Tutelar Limited (GamProtect). GAMSTOP, which started operation in 2018, provides an online service enabling individuals resident within the UK to exclude themselves from online gambling with all British licensed gambling operators. MOSES enables individuals to self-exclude from multiple land-based bookmakers via a single phone call. GamProtect enables gambling operators to share specific information securely and confidentially, helping them to protect their customers. All of this is run by a small team based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, with technology provision outsourced to a third party in Leeds and contact centre provision outsourced to a third party in Wales.

We are fully independent from the gambling industry and have already supported over 550,000 individuals since 2018. We are immensely proud of our work protecting consumers and supporting them in taking back control of their lives.


Our current Chair, Jenny Watson CBE, will reach the end of her term during 2025 and we are now seeking her successor. Our next Chair will join us at a time of continued growth and development for Gamstop Group, and during a period of major change within the sector itself. Gambling already has a high profile in the UK and the industry is frequently under the public and political spotlight. Within that context, this role has a critical stewardship, support and oversight function to play in an organisation which holds significant personal data. We are looking for an adroit and engaged Chair with the highest degree of credibility, an understanding of rigorous governance, and a genuine interest in what we are achieving.

Our independence is important to us and the successful candidate will demonstrate total independence from the gambling industry. You will also bring sharp strategic skills to the role and will be an engaged, collegiate leader who fosters trust quickly and builds cohesive teams. It is likely that you are already an accomplished and senior non-executive in a similar environment, and you will have an intuitive understanding of the relationship between Chair and CEO, especially in a smaller setting. 

We are interested in hearing from applicants who have a background in senior operational delivery, particularly in highly regulated environments and / or where the use of technology in service delivery is advanced. As our sector evolves, we must evolve with it; if, like us, you are excited by the opportunities ahead and can demonstrate the attributes we are looking for, we very much look forward to hearing from you.  


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.

How to apply

To make an application, please click on the apply now button below, with the following prepared:

  • Your CV (no more than three sides).
  • A covering letter that sets out your motivation for the role and describes the specific experience you can bring to the appointment.


Closing date
Friday 25th April 2025

Preliminary interviews
w/c 5th & 12th May 2025

Final Panel interviews
Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th June 2025
