
Citizens Advice
Voluntary basis with expenses reimbursed

The Citizens Advice service offers free, confidential advice online, over the phone and in person. We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward—whoever they are, and whatever their problem. We’re independent and impartial. Citizens Advice is a network of around 250 independent local charities across England and Wales. Our services are provided by 11,000 local volunteers, 1,900 Witness Service volunteers, and 7,800 local and 1,000 national paid staff. We’re in 1,870 community locations (including GP surgeries, libraries and courts) in England and Wales.


The Board of Trustees is National Citizens Advice’s most senior governance group. It provides support, strategic direction and constructive challenge to the Executive Team. It also plays a collaborative role in ensuring strong governance across around 250 local Citizens Advice network, strengthening our service as a whole.

Our Chair leads and inspires the Board to deliver our organisation’s strategic ambitions successfully, so we can make a significant difference to the lives of people Citizens Advice is here to serve. Our Chair also leads the Board to shape strategic direction and assure progress. We’re looking for a Chair who will work with our CEO to seize the opportunity to increase the profile of the whole of the Citizens Advice service, including our advice delivery and policy and influencing activities.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.