
Nene Park Trust
Voluntary basis with expenses reimbursed

Nene Park Trust, a registered charity, serves as the proud provider of Nene Park and an exciting and growing portfolio of other spaces, places and ground-breaking initiatives. Established in 1988 with a mission to safeguard and nurture the park indefinitely, we take pride in running inspiring programmes that connect people meaningfully with nature, culture and heritage. We orchestrate park maintenance, coordinating a wide array of exciting events and activities, and manage a range of commercial properties within the Park - and well beyond. Our ‘Roadmap to Impact’ Business Plan is now well embedded. In all we do, we set out to achieve a meaningful ‘Double Bottom Line’, balancing the real impact of our work with careful management of our resources and financial sustainability.


Our work encompasses careful stewardship of the ecology of our beautiful resource; however it is used, whilst supporting our staff team to be the liveliest, most professional and creative they can be as they deliver educational, sporting and cultural activity throughout the year. All this backed of course through the pursuit of expert business planning designed to deliver quality, and financial stability.

As a Board and Executive Team, we look to the future, envisaging a Trust that widens its remit to work further afield, sharing good practice and building a reputation as a trail blazer in bringing nature and people together for the good of all. 

We look for a Chair who ‘gets’ our vision and adds to it by bringing their own professional experience and personal passion and commitment to a highly professional Board and an Executive Team with an outstanding reputation.

The Board is committed to demonstrating good governance, whilst remaining efficient and fleet of foot in navigating the current uncertain and changing financial, social, and political environment.

For the right individual this role can be both an exciting, stimulating challenge and a continuing source of great satisfaction and reward.

If you believe you are this person, and can offer the skills, experience and approach we are looking for, we very much look forward to hearing from you. 


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.