Corporate Director of Housing, Care and Wellbeing

Brighton & Hove City Council
Salary from £133,000 to £160,000

We are a diverse, creative and iconic coastal city. Our residents, businesses and visitors are passionate about Brighton & Hove but we are also grappling with complex social challenges and stark inequalities. As a new administration with a strong political majority for the first time in two decades, we are determined to grip and tackle the issues our residents are facing .


Everybody matters in Brighton & Hove and our new corporate director will feel as passionately about tackling homelessness as they do about social care and health. A true systems leader, they will embrace the opportunities that come from social care and housing working together and will harness the city’s powerful community and voluntary sector and our relationships with the ICB.


For further details, please click on the role profile and useful links below, including introductory videos from the Council's Leader and Chief Executive, or for more information please contact Penny Ransley (07549 233685) or Jo Boardman (07834 030501).

ROLE PROFILE     Council Plan 2023-27     Diversity & Inclusion    

Closing Date: 27th May 2024

Meeting to Agree a Longlist: 4th June 2024

Preliminary Interviews: 6th-7th June 2024

Meeting to Agree a Shortlist: 12th June 2024

Stakeholder Panels: 26th June 2024

Final Panel Interviews: 17th July 2024

Useful Links
Leader's Welcome Video VIEW
Chief Executive's Welcome Video VIEW
Housing Strategy (Draft) VIEW
Health and Wellbeing Strategy VIEW
Makeup of the Council & Structure Charts VIEW
Management Structure VIEW
Accessible City Strategy VIEW
Becoming Anti-Racist VIEW
Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement VIEW
People Strategy VIEW
Digital, Data & Technology Strategy VIEW
Leadership Behaviours VIEW
Being a Fair & Inclusive Council VIEW
Rewards & Benefits VIEW