
Term of appointment is three years
Voluntary basis with expenses reimbursed

RNID is the only national charity here to support everyone in the UK who is deaf, has hearing loss or tinnitus, making our community a huge one: currently 1 in 3 adults, or around 18 million people.


The role of the Board of Trustees is critical to the success of the organisation. We are responsible for the strategic direction of RNID, driving success and asking the right questions to ensure we deliver maximum impact for our communities.

We are guardians of a 113-year-old brand, but with a responsibility to focus on the future: making sure we are fit for a digital age, firmly positioned at the forefront of technical innovation and societal change.

We are looking to increase the diversity of our board with this round of recruitment – both in ethnicity and geography across the UK. We are also keen to build our board level expertise around brand-building and charity leadership experience. But most important of all is for us to find talented people with a passionate commitment to making life more inclusive for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.

Could your skills, experience and perspectives bring value to our team? Then we are keen to hear from you.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.