Trustees x 4


Revitalise is a national charity providing respite care in a holiday setting for disabled people and carers for over 50 years. Currently running three accessible holiday centres in Essex, Southampton and Southport, we also offer inspirational opportunities for volunteers through one of the largest and most diverse volunteering programmes of any UK charity.

We aim to provide a break that feels like a real holiday, offering wonderful hospitality, combined with 24-hour nurse-led care, for people living with a wide range of conditions.


The role of the Board is to champion the founding mission of the charity and ensure that it stays relevant and valued by those we serve. The Board’s purpose is to work together with the Executive team to deliver excellent experiences for our guests with the best standards of care, and a strong financial and operational performance. While at the same time holding the Executive to account against agreed strategy and business plans.

Trustees are expected to bring their expertise and experience from their professional backgrounds to supplement the skillset of the Board overall, to be committed to the charity’s cause and have joined the board because you want to help the charity deliver its purposes most effectively for public benefit.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.