
Voluntary basis with expenses reimbursed

Crisis is the national homelessness charity. We help people directly out of homelessness, and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether. We work side by side with thousands of people each year as they find ways out of homelessness. We provide practical support to help people access housing, benefits, healthcare services, employment opportunities, and more. As well as helping to end homelessness for individuals, we work to address the root causes that push people into homelessness in the first place. We campaign on the political changes needed to end homelessness for good and conduct research to understand and highlight the scale, causes and consequences of homelessness.


This is a pivotal point, and key to our future success will be two new Trustees that can broaden our diversity and add to the skills and perspectives of an already high-performing Board. We are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who offer depth of insight, experience or influence within one or more of the following areas:

  • Senior policy or political experience, bringing deep understanding of how social change is achieved.
  • Commercial and marketing expertise, helping us deepen our corporate networks and diversify our income.

We are a values-based organisation, and our trustees are a critical part of an organisation that is people-centred and forward-thinking. More than ever, it is important that we have the strong strategic leadership and governance required to make our mission to end homelessness a reality.

We are looking for two exceptional people, with the right skills and expertise, and a passion for our vision of ending homelessness. If this sounds like you, we look forward to hearing from you.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.

How to apply

To make an application, please click on the apply now button below, with the following prepared:

  • Your CV or biographical information (no more than three sides please)
  • A supporting statement (no more than two sides please) that sets out your motivation for applying for the role and how you can meet the Knowledge and Experience we are looking for.

Recruitment timetable

Closing date is 23rd September 2024

We will let candidates know whether or not they have been longlisted by 30 September 2024.

First stage interviews for selected candidates (with Starfish) will take place during w/c 30th September 2024.

Shortlisted candidates will be notified during w/c 7 October 2024.

First stage meetings with Crisis stakeholders: 21 and 22 October 2024 online.

Final panel interviews with Crisis: 23 and 24 October (in London).
