Board Directors

Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Voluntary basis

As you know, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, formed nearly 50 years ago in 1974, and has been making the case to the Government and political decision-makers at all levels on the issues that matter to our members – small businesses and the self-employed. Through our campaigning and lobbying work, we bring the day-to-day impacts you are facing, and propose solutions to help, to the attention of those in power. This gives you a powerful collective voice to those who
make decisions across the UK

The Role

As a member leader on our Board of Directors, you would contribute to the setting of priorities alongside the delivery of objectives at a national strategic level. FSB’s Board of Directors is ultimately legally responsible for FSB through an oversight role. The Board oversees and promotes the strategy and purpose of FSB and ensures that its values, activity, and culture align with that purpose. The Board is responsible for the long-term sustainable success of FSB by identifying opportunities to create and preserve value; and establishing oversight to identify and mitigate risks. 

FSB’s Board is a vibrant team of FSB members, selected for their skills, experience and knowledge. It is supported through activities such as a recent independent Board effectiveness evaluation and the relationship with the Scrutiny Body established in 2022, which is also made up of FSB members. Volunteering within FSB is not employment; FSB already employs an expert staff team, under the Chief Executive, and the Board and Scrutiny Body are supported by the Governance staff team.

We are keen to strengthen the Board with talent in audit, risk, finance, IT, transformational business or organisational change, and HR/organisational development.

As a volunteer with FSB, we will also support you to play a vital role in working towards the delivery, on behalf of members, of our four corporate objectives: 

  1. To be fully representative of the whole UK small business community 
  2. To provide support, advice and practical solutions to our membership community 
  3. To advocate on behalf of small businesses and the self-employed, providing a powerful voice heard by Governments and key decision makers 
  4. To manage FSB’s financial resources in a manner that ensures best value for members and safeguards FSB for the future

We are proud to be a grassroots membership organisation representing small businesses and the self-employed across the UK, in every nation, region and local community. Our volunteers are pivotal to this, and we look forward to receiving your nomination.


Download the candidate brief to find out about the role.